As part of the annual Teacher of the Year celebration, the Plainfield Rotary Club works with the Town of Plainfield's Parks Department to plant a tree for each honored educator.
Above, Plainfield Parks Department staff with Liza Payton
If you visit Friendship Gardens, you'll notice the progression along the south edge of the park. And now it includes a tree for 2022 Teacher of the Year, Liza Payton.
Liza teaches English and chairs the English Department at Plainfield High School. After beginning her career in Pike Township, Liza came to Plainfield in 2004.
Above, Plainfield School Board members and Administrators with Liza Payton
We are grateful to the Rotary Club and the Parks Department for the legacy they have established at Friendship Gardens. Now and well into the future, anyone using Plainfield's trails and parks will have the opportunity to take note of the outstanding teachers who have had such a positive influence on our community's children.
To read more about Liza and her Teacher of the Year honor, click here: https://plainfieldin.sites.thr...