Quaker Connections

Crystal clear: Senior Cooper Lewis turns hobby into future career

Five years and 86 crystals ago, senior Cooper Lewis was a curious and impressionable seventh grader. Looking for something to believe in, Lewis started researching astrology, spirituality and crystals. Since the start of this journey, he has collected an impressive 86 crystals and other emblems, such as tarot cards, various incense burners, oracle cards and runes. 

\tThe research about crystals that Lewis engages in is mainly from books that he has bought from a variety of stores. “I like researching how to care for them,” said Lewis. “Types of cleansing, good ways to store them, crystals to keep in the sun, crystals to keep out of the sun, ones you can put water on, ones you can't, stuff like that.”

For Lewis, this hobby started after he was introduced to it by a close friend. In turn, he has had an influence on other people around him. “I've definitely done a lot of bonding with my friends because I always drag them to crystal stores, and they end up saying, ‘I guess I'll start buying them too,’” he said. “And I've met a lot of people on the internet or even people at school. It would surprise you how many people at school are actually spiritualists or practice this, too.”

\t Senior year in high school can be a tough time for some teens, as it can be a time to worry about grades, sports, academic futures or other things. Putting aside these types of concerns, Lewis is more focused on being present in the moment and the advancement of his own self. Since the start of Lewis’ spiritual journey, he has intertwined his belief system with the way he goes about his everyday life. “Studies have shown that people who have something to believe in, some sort of religion or practice, are often more mentally stable,” said Lewis. “And there's also just feeling more in tune with myself and everyone around me. It really puts me into a kinder mindset and it just helps me stay grounded.”

\tThrough this hobby, Lewis has learned what certain crystals are good for, how rare they can be and more. “I have ones that I own a lot of, just because they're easier to come by and more common,” he said. “The ones I have most of are probably Amethyst and Rose Quartz.”

Engaging in research about crystals has inspired Lewis on his career path. “I want to open a crystal store one day,” he explained. “Obviously, all of this knowledge would help me for that.” He hopes to make an impact on future customers by utilizing all of the information he has gained from his involvement with this hobby.

\tThough interesting to Lewis, this hobby can have a bad reputation in some people’s opinions. “I think the historical portrayal of witches and stuff like that is taken to such an evil extreme for nothing,” said Lewis. “[The stigma] is very prevalent in the media and the media obviously affects a lot of today's youth, and even older people. They have that set in their brain that witches are evil or people who do that are evil.” Though this interpretation differs from Lewis’ experiences and beliefs, he focuses on how he can use his knowledge for good for himself and the world. “There's nothing innately evil about crystals,” he said. “It's all about intention. It's all about the person, not the act.”

Story by Liza Petersson