Freshmen Tailgate

At last year's Freshman Tailgate, students play a game of Jenga. Games and food were the highlights of the event for those in attendance. Photo by Xander Higgins

The annual Freshman Tailgate is on August 25 and will include free food, games and a free ticket to the first varsity home football game. 

Senior Molly Nichols explained that this event is a great opportunity for freshmen to meet new people within their grade, as well as upperclassmen and the students that represent the student body. “The best part of this event is being able to talk to new people and adventure out of your normal group of friends,” said Nichols. “It is always fun being able to talk to everyone in your grade and school.”

 As the Vice President of Student Affairs, Nichols has had past experiences with the Freshman Tailgate. Although she didn’t have one her freshman year, she still enjoyed being invited to it her sophomore year. Because of this, Nichols stresses the importance of the Freshman Tailgate.

“I think this event is a good idea because it allows the freshmen an opportunity to experience the environment we strive to have at our school,” said Nichols. “We always want to make people feel welcome and like they have a place at the school. This is the perfect time to show them what we have and how we can make sure they can express themselves in their unique ways.”