August 19, 2020
Van Buren Elementary students enjoy 4 specials rotations once per week. Our specials include Art, Computer Science, Media Center with our classroom teachers, and Music classes. C...

August 18, 2020
We are celebrating race week at Van Buren Elementary! Wear yellow tomorrow (Wednesday), blue and orange on Thursday, and black and white on Friday!

August 14, 2020
Thank you to teachers, staff, families, and especially students for a fantastic first full week in school!

August 13, 2020
Van Buren Elementary students loaded the bus and headed to the Imagination Lab. What a great opportunity to safely learn outside the classroom!

August 11, 2020
Van Buren Elementary students enjoy some quiet reading time in the library... socially distant and reaching reading goals!

August 7, 2020
Learning, joy, safety, and friends the first week back to school at Van Buren Elementary!

August 6, 2020
The Van Buren students had a fantastic start to the 2020-2021 school year. The students were excited to see friends again and meet new ones. The students and teachers spent time l...

August 5, 2020
Welcome back students! We've missed you! Everyone is excited to get settled in and back to school! \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n

June 24, 2020
Our Van Buren PTO and school community celebrates Mr. Helmuth and his love for woodworking by purchasing books for the student library. Van Buren Elementary will forever treasure...
June 2, 2020
Don't forget... Our Supply Pick Up is here! Please pull around to the back of Van Buren and remain in your car. Staff will assist in locating items for you. We are looking for...

May 21, 2020
VB staff is lining up and getting ready to leave. We can’t guarantee the time we will be on each street, but just know we are heading out soon! Can’t wait to see everyone!

May 19, 2020
This Thursday, May 21st the Van Buren Staff will be parading through many of our Van Buren neighborhoods from our cars. We miss the students very much and know that everyone need...

December 18, 2019
Some of our students and teachers took full advantage of the December snow fall. They enjoyed working together to create snowmen and other masterpieces!

November 20, 2019
Students and staff enjoyed a fun filled ceremony to celebrate our school's National Blue Ribbon Award. Mr. Olinger, Mr. Helmuth, Mrs. Bennett, and Mrs. Pineda had the honor of rep...

November 20, 2019
First Grade students had quite a week learning about honey bees! They researched how bees live and what they need in order to survive. After a wide variety of activities, they wer...

November 1, 2019
Fourth grade students collaborated to engineer a moon rover, a type of all terrain vehicle (ATV), out of items such as corrugated cardboard, straws, pencils, and rubber bands. T...

October 24, 2019
Over the last two years, PCMS and PHS have hosted student convocations featuring Nathan Harmon, currently the most frequently booked school speaker. Nathan's personal story of fam...

October 2, 2019
Fifth grade students spent a STEM filled day recently and designed their own pizza shop. They worked on creating a menu, pricing, and design of a new and improved pizza box. The s...

September 30, 2019
Van Buren's PTO put on an AMAZING night of fun for our students at Friday's Fall Festival. We are so thankful and fortunate to have such a supportive group of parents and voluntee...
September 26, 2019
Our third grade students have been working diligently on creating a playground design, and they were fortunate to hear directly from the landscape architects of Context Design tha...