No joke - you're the key to Disability Awareness Month

As we wrap up the school week, and as Disability Awareness Month nears its end for this year, we selected this final message as one we think is important to all of us. 

Understanding, appreciating and supporting our differences is critically important, and being able to do that is powered by knowledge. Sometimes that knowledge stretches us to think in new, maybe even uncomfortable, ways. 

At the root of the message, though? If we want to move from being uncomfortable when faced with a situation that involves someone who appears to have a disability, or acts in a way that we don't understand, then we need to understand more about what disabilities really mean. 

Our messages this week have only touched on a few of many possible topics. But they represent scenarios that exist right here in Plainfield Schools. We are so fortunate to live in a community that supports its children and schools in huge ways. Stretching ourselves to better understand the challenges some of those children face will help us be even better. 

So as the Governor’s Council for People With Disabilities says, “No joke, we’re the key to Disability Awareness Month. We’re counting on you to spread the word!”

There are many more topics and opportunities to learn more about how to support our friends and neighbors at #PeopleNotPunchlines