Don't forget!

While the two-week forecast doesn’t look too threatening, we are approaching our first snow make-up day: Monday, January 21. This day is scheduled as a holiday to honor Martin Luther King, Jr., but it’s also reserved as a make-up day if for any reason school would be cancelled between now and then, including Friday, January 18th.

After January 21st, the next make-up day is set for February 15th, while Monday, February 18th would remain a holiday for students and staff.  

It’s rare that we need to use these make-up days, but it does happen (and it did last year). School calendars, including make-up days, are published about 18 months ahead of time for everyone’s planning purposes, and can be found on our website under Plainfield Community School Corporation > Explore > Documents > School Calendars. You'll find both the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 calendars posted there.