The playground at Brentwood Elementary is seeing some bright, exciting changes this summer

For those wondering how many weeks we have this summer, the total is ten.  Which means we have two weeks without homework, two weeks to cram in anything left on your family's Summer 2019 Bucket List, or two weeks to stay cool and read some great books!

During week eight, though, the work in our schools and our Administration Building has continued. Several teachers were here for two days this week, working to prepare for their Google Level Two certification, and we can't wait to cheer them on when they pass their test! 

Pictured below, teachers are teaching teachers about new Chrome extensions through a collaborative jigsaw exercise!

In our cover photo this week, and in the pictures that follow, you can see the progress at Brentwood Elementary, as they are part of a three-school playground overhaul. Central and Van Buren elementary schools will also benefit from the new design, equipment and surfaces. If the weather cooperates, the new playgrounds should be ready for the first day of school (#FDOS) on August 5, and we know students are excited to check out all the new equipment! 

It's thanks to the tireless efforts and generous pockets of Plainfield parents and businesses that we're able to make these playground improvements, as the annual Walkathon earnings help make this happen. 

Clarks Creek Elementary already has a new playground from just a couple of summers ago, but they did get a fresh coat of exterior trim paint this week. The lighter color makes quite a difference!

Have you downloaded the most current version of the school calendar? Don't forget, the School Board recently approved the addition of May 1 as a Teacher In-Service Day, which means students do not come to school that day unless we need it as a snow make-up day. You can find the current schedule for 2019-2020 here: The 2020-2021 calendar can be found here:

Are you familiar with RAIN? Tomorrow marks the Ride Across INdiana, with bicyclists beginning in Terre Haute and riding 160 miles to the finish line at Earlham College in Richmond. For serious cyclists, it's a great experience, although the blistering heat and humidity we're expecting will certainly challenge many riders. Keep your eyes open for the cyclists as they enter Plainfield on US 40 from the west, turn south on Center Street and make a stop at PCMS for a water break. They'll head back out via South Center Street (heading south). Signs alerting car traffic have been placed along the roads, but please be sure to give them the space they need to be safe.

Have a wonderful weekend!