Get to know us: Brian Planker!

Meet Brian Planker, 8th grade English and Language Arts teacher at Plainfield Community Middle School. Brian has spent 28 years in the classroom, all of them at Plainfield! 

Brian is a visible part of the PCMS team, spending time as the FCA sponsor and coach of both the boys’ and girls‘ tennis teams.

When asked about the best part of his daily work, he enthusiastically said “Kids!” He added, “I wanted a job that was different every day, and when you work with kids, each day is definitely different!”

Given ample time to pursue interests outside school, you might find Brian on one of the new Pickleball courts, or with a book or fishing pole nearby.

Thinking about today’s youth, Brian shared this insight: “It’s up to the adults to guide and mentor today’s youth along a path of integrity, love, respect, and productivity. Kids will learn whatever adults model for them.”

About PCMS
Enrollment by year:
    6th Grade:  468
    7th Grade: 414
    8th Grade: 456
Built in 1958 as Plainfield High School, PCMS has undergone many changes through the years.